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I. A. E. I. Information

The International Association of Electrical Inspectors will become known as the The Independent Alliance of the Electrical Industry as of January 1st, 2024. The IAEI is an organization that is composed of Electricians, Inspectors, AHJ's & Engineers and the mission of the IAEI is " We educate and equip electrical professionals while unifying the industry to promote electrical safety. Electrical inspectors, multi-hat inspectors, electrical installers and contractors, testing agencies, standards organizations, manufacturers, and distributors all working together to ensure the public safety."

The local Chapters across the country host live NEC Code Seminars that are taught by the leading Electrical Instructors and who are also NEC Code  Panel Members. Being a member of the IAEI is a great opportunity to network with others in our industry and to help enhance your electrical career.

Send me an email to to get more information about the location and contact information for your local IAEI Chapter to


The phone number for the I.A.E.I. is 800-786-4234


Steve Kavallaris
Finance Committee Member for IAEI

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